Had you ever given up on a wonderful plan? goal? or a life dream?
Are there any uncertainties or negative thoughts bothering you causing you sickness or less productivity?
Or maybe you had been getting your goals yet something is missing still...
The 33 Amazing Laws Seminar is for you!
Listen to the author himself as he shares how the 33 Amazing Laws of Success and Prosperity had turned himself from Rags to Riches and how you can do the same...
"I learned about the 33 Amazing Laws in August 2007.
Every week during our unit meeting, we watched the video of the 33 Amazing Laws and discussed how we could apply them. That same month my unit became No 1. Last November, my unit was again No. 1. I got my laptop, my personal computer, and my pink car!"
- Marites Cena, Senior Sales Director of Mary Kay Philippines
"The things I learned from the seminar have changed my life and have turned my life around 180 degrees - from loser to ACHIEVER. That's why I've brought 100 leaders with me to the seminar."
- Gari Gabrinao, Top Network Marketing Leader, Makati City
"A masterpiece!"
- Rev Dr. Ebenezer Alabi Folayan, Canada
"Now I know why they call you the Napoleon Hill of the Philippines."
- Harry Pound, Motivational Speaker
CLICK HERE to SEE MORE of what the previous attendees say about the seminar.
Attend this Seminar and get these 6 Success-Motivation CDs worth over P7,400
1. "33 Amazing Laws of Success and Prosperity" $47, Video CD
2. "Think Positive!" Video CD, $27
3. "4 Amazing Steps" Audio CD, $27
4. "How Your Thoughts Can Make You Rich" $27, Audio CD
5. "As a Man Thinketh" Audio CD, $27 (James Allen)
6. "Think and Grow Rich" 6-hour Audio CD, $27 (Napoleon Hill)
YES! We'll give you 6 VIDEO and AUDIO CDs to reinforce what you learn. Only the speaker, Rodolfo Torres, can give you this FREE BONUSES because he is the author and the producer.
OUR HARD-TO-BEAT GUARANTEE: You must be satisfied - or we refund your money... and the FREE BONUSES are yours to keep - just for coming. Fair enough? That's how convinced we are of the value of this seminar.
Seminar fee is only P2,000 until July 11, 2008 (Early Bird Rate). Regular Seminar Fee is P2,199.00 afterwards.
Plus! You can also avail of our BUY 1 TAKE HALF Promo! Register for your slot and get another one for only half the price! You may now come with your closest friend or relative to learn these 33 amazing laws of success and prosperity at the same time!
Want to know more? Click the video below for preview
From: Rodolfo C. Torres
12:07 a.m.
Dear Friend:
I was like a fish in an aquarium always swimming but getting nowhere...until I discovered the "33 Amazing Laws of Success and Prosperity" and my life was never the same again.
I went on to become what I wanted to become, do what I wanted to do, and gain what I wanted to gain…almost effortlessly…without hard work...as if by magic!
Starting from scratch, with no capital, I became my own boss, working not even half as hard. In fact, I felt I was on vacation most of the time. I could drop anything and leave for vacation in another country anytime I chose to.
But, before we go on, let me ask you this -
Do you often feel...
Tensed, Tired and Stressed Out?
If you’re often tensed, tired and stressed out – I have good news for you – these “33 Amazing Laws” will also help set you free from tension that’s slowly but surely killing you and millions of people in the world.
The problems, miseries, and troubles you’re experiencing and going through right now are the mere consequences or results of your unconscious violations of these “33 Amazing Laws.” Ignorance of these laws excuses no one. So -
Watch out how you obey or violate these laws.
These "33Amazing Laws" worked for me and they can work for you too.
Not believing and obeying the "33Amazing Laws" is like you going on top of a tall building and jumping off because you don't believe in the law of gravity. They bring blessings if you obey, curses if you don't.
I Introduced These Laws to Him,
Others Thought I Was Losing My Mind
I didn't completely believe at first, but as I obeyed and experienced the results, I was convinced as you will be once you prove them to yourself.
Let me tell you my early experiences about the "33 Amazing Laws."
After graduating from college, I wanted to publish my own self-help book. I used Amazing Law #4 and 11 and one afternoon I was conversing with someone and he casually took a wad of bills from his pocket and gave it to me for the publication of my first book. I could hardly believe it!
Living in a rented room with my wife and first child, I first used Amazing Law #5 to attract an electric fan to soothe the summer heat. In just a couple of days, somebody knocked on our door. When I opened it, it was the sister of our landlady carrying an electric fan offering it at a giveaway price I can afford.
Still living in that rented small room, I began using the same law to get a brand new commuter van. And I also got it!
With the confidence I gained, I soon find myself naturally and automatically using the "33 Amazing Laws" to have more money in the bank.
Using these laws, especially Amazing Law #1, I soon made my first milllion, built my own house and traveled to different places in the world.
These "33 Amazing Laws" Bring
Blessings If You Obey, Curses If You Don't
Here they are:
Amazing Law #1 will show you how and why you can control whatever you want to get or receive from life. You stop feeling impotent and helpless just waiting whatever life gives you. You stop living like a beggar and live like king, dictating and getting what you want as if at the flick of a finger.
Amazing Law #2 shows you how to cause things to happen in your life and stop acting like a puppet. You'll take control of events in your life...as easy as turning on and off the flow of water in a faucet.
Amazing Law #3 shows you how to easily and effortlessly attract whatever good you desire - a spouse, a car, a dreamhouse, a job, etc. - almost beyond belief...you'll be tempted to slap your face to see if it's true or you're only dreaming.
Amazing Law #4 shows you how to harness the mysterious power of your God-given imagination to transform your desires into physical reality. It's the first step of creating anything from spiritual substance to material, concrete reality. With this law, you'll wake up one morning and see right before your very eyes your dreams come true.
Amazing Law #5 shows you how to use a secret only the wise men of the ages knew to triple and multiply their power to attract their desires and transform them to material reality faster than they can ever hope possible. It shows you to lock your mind to seek out the goal that you want with focus-to-target precision, using a "photo object" you can easily get, and hit and achieve your goal precisely. It's so easy even a 7-year-old child can do it.
Amazing Law #6 shows you the secret behind any great accomplishment or even a miracle. With it, you can turn the tables and achieve the impossible. Without it, even the greatest prophets cannot perform any miracle. With it, you can work wonders, achieve feats never done before. Your accomplishments will be limited only by this law.
Amazing Law #7 shows you how and why your expectations become your self-fulfilling prophecy. You'll stop expecting the worst and start expecting the best...and the best will come to you!
Amazing Law #8 shows you that material, physical and spiritual blessings are in store for you but you are not receiving them because you have not yet applied this law.
Amazing Law #9 shows you the invisible energy you need to propel you to unimaginable heights to reach your highest dream. Without it, you can attain only the flight of a home-made paper plane. You'll live a life of mediocrity and die unknown, unloved and unsung.
Amazing Law #10 shows you you the "secret ingredient" that, when mixed with your thoughts, multiplies your power to attract everything you need to turn your God-inspired desires into reality.
Amazing Law #11 shows you how to harness the hidden power of your tongue to decree things in your life and bring them to pass for everybody's good and well-being. It's your "Open Sesame" that can help you open padlocked doors to riches, fame and even power...and say goodbye to your frustrations forever.
Amazing Law #12 shows you how to delete the negative conditionings that have been programmed in your mind without you knowing it...reprogram your mind for success and prosperity...and set yourself free from your self-imposed limitations that have imprisoned you for years. Just follow the 3 simple rules - and you'll be zooming into boundless heights of achievement you never even imagined possible before...almost in the wink of an eye.
Amazing Law #13 shows you why and how to stay calm and cool and simply attract the good things in life God wants you to enjoy...like a powerful magnet.
Amazing Law #14 shows you how to have a laser power and make yourself - your talent, abilities, mind, and ideas - 100 times more powerful to pierce through barriers and obstacles like a laser beam.
Amazing Law #15 shows you the amazing formula that turns failures to success, setbacks to victories, defeats to glory - as shown by the lives of the greatest men in history who battled against a thousand odds and won in the end - because you simply cannot fail as long as you continue to obey this law.
Amazing Law #16 shows you how to turn every "bad luck" into something good, every negative person or experience into a blessing...and stay on top of every situation. If you are suffering from a chain of accidents or experiencing a string of negative events, the chances are - YOU ARE VIOLATING THIS LAW! Discover and use this law and once and for all end your "bad luck" just as easily as snapping a finger.
Amazing Law #17 shows you how to multiply your blessings and keep the good things in life flowing, like the continuous torrent of Niagara Falls.
Amazing Law #18 shows you one thing you can do in the morning that can determine whether you'll have a good day or bad day. It will open your eyes to see many beautiful things and blessings you haven't been seeing and yet they're right before your eyes all those years.
Amazing Law #19 shows you how to bring back the smiles and laughters into your life and really live life at its fullest every minute of your life.
Amazing Law #20 shows you the secret ingredient without which all the other laws are nothing...useless.
Amazing Law #21 shows you the one thing that's blocking many of your financial, physical and spiritual blessings...and how to get rid of it for good.
Amazing Law #22 shows you how to release yourself free from financial limitations and many things that have enchained you.
Amazing Law #23 shows you how to get rid of the clutters in your life and make room for the coming of better things - new car, a piano, or anything you've been wanting to own.
Amazing Law #24 shows you why and how to pay your obligations willingly and with a smile, instead of clutching it as if it were the last.
Amazing Law #25 shows you how to protect yourself from people who want to pull you down, stab you in the back, or steal away from you what is rightfully yours.
Amazing Law #26 shows you how to get rid of anything you don't want in your life and keep it from happening.
Amazing Law #27 shows you that you will surely lose many of your valuable and cherished possessions - your treasures, time, and talents - if you fail to use this law.
Amazing Law #28 shows you a guaranteed way to keep yourself from sliding back, sudden decline and "untimely" death...and instead continue to progress, advance and live life more abundantly.
Amazing Law #29 shows you the utmost secret of making right and correct decisions.
Amazing Law #30 shows you how to be at the right place and at the right time...with sunrise-and-sunset precision.
Amazing Law #31 shows you how to have endless supply or bountiful provisions...even when you're fired from your job, your business goes bankrupt, or the stock market collapses.
Amazing Law #32 shows you the secret of unfailing success and prosper in whatever you do...100% guaranteed.
Amazing Law #33 shows you how to use the Law of Increase to keep wealth circulating freely in your life...and also be a blessing to others.
Many of those who attended my seminars said. They wonder why these are not being taught in schools. This world will be a better place if only people apply these laws instead of violating them or using them in reverse.
For years, they've urged me to put these laws in a book so they could read, review and refer to it again and again. But I wasn't able to do it but not until now.
At last, I've put all the "33 Amazing Laws" in a book and seminar. You are blessed for having come to this website and learned about this. You can invest your last money on this seminar and you will not regret it, for it will come back to you many times over once you've applied the laws properly.
Once more, let me sum up -
What You’ll Discover In The
How to use the Law of Increase that never fails to bring overflowing financial blessings.
Why opportunities elude you and continue to pass through your fingers and how to stop losing them once and for all.
How to set your goals and achieve them one by one...almost effortlessly, worry-free and stress-free.
How to become like a powerful magnet, drawing to yourself everything you need to reach your goals and make your dream come true.
How to receive overflowing blessings...ceaselessly, endlessly.
How to turn failure into success, poverty into abundance, trials into triumph, curse into blessing.
How to overcome discouragement, depression, and setbacks.
How to make miracles happen in your life, even in seemingly hopeless situations.
How to expect something and get it and make your expectation your self-fulfilling prophecy.
What you must do before blessings come into your life. (Prosperity will not come until you use this law.)
How to create a mental picture of your dream and make it come true...see it transform into reality before your very eyes...as if by magic.
An age-old proven secret from the Bible to multiply your money and prosper in everything you do.
How to attract the right partner, your dream house, your dream car, or anything you desire.
How to attract positive people into your life and stop attracting negative or “problem” people into your life.
How to effectively use the law of cause and effect in your life so you will always be on top of circumstances.
How to stop being a puppet of circumstance and be the overcomer God intended you to be.
How to take control of your life, instead of letting circumstances control you.
How to use your God-given power to decree things and make them come to pass.
Discover how to use the power of words to work almost magically for you.
How to turn a bad experience or situation into a blessing.
What to do when something bad happens and how to make something good out of it.
How to stop a string or series of bad luck from continually happening in your life and start a chain of good things to happen instead.
How to use the power of praise to make miracles happen almost instantly - bad turns into good, the worst into best, and losses into gains.
How to make your happiness abound, your good double and multiply.
How to have the love and happiness you need and live a purposeful and fulfilled life.
How to release your money and let it come back to you multiplied many times over.
How to free yourself from your past and release yourself from the consequences of your past mistakes.
How to relieve yourself from resentments, anger, bitterness that are slowly killing you.
Why nobody and nothing can rob you of your promotions, opportunities and good.
How to break the curse of poverty, sickness and failure. and get rid of the things you don’t want in your life.
How to be a good steward of your time, talent and money.
How to get wisdom and make the right choice or decision.
How to take the right action at the right time.
How to experience an unending supply of God’s riches,
and let God’s bountiful provision come not in trickles,
but in heavy downpours of blessings.How to crown your efforts with success and make it impossible for you to fail.
How to reprogram your mind from negative conditioning, erase, wipe away, and blot out self-imposed limitations that are stopping the flow of blessings into your life.
No one left my seminar the same person. Everyone came out a changed person...a better person.
Don't go on living your life any day longer groping in the dark. Why? Because you don't have to. You don't need to bang your head on walls or posts.
Mr. Rodolfo Torres
as we offer you...
OUR HARD-TO-BEAT GUARANTEE : You must be satisfied - or we refund your money... and the 6 FREE BONUSES are yours to keep - just for coming. That's how convinced we are of the value of this seminar.
Seminar fee is only P2,000 until July 11, 2008 (Early Bird Rate). Regular Seminar Fee is P2,199.00 afterwards.
Plus! You can also avail of our BUY 1 TAKE HALF Promo! Register for your slot and get another one for only half the price! Come with your closest friend or relative to learn these 33 amazing laws at the same time!
This special offer may be withdrawn anytime. Register now and decide for yourself later if it's really worth your money.